
Monday, February 25


On my agenda for today:
  • Take Chip to the airport. Wave good-bye. Sigh deeply.
  • Take school slowly with the boys. The airport run will interrupt our schedule, so we’ll practice our favorite word…flexibility.
  • Maintain my sense of humor, in fact, kick it up a notch.
  • Send the tax info off to the tax man… who is my favorite person this time of year.
  • Look for houses -- again.

On his agenda for today:

  • Fly first class direct from PDX to San Diego (how is that for a vacation!)
  • Giggle because his travel companions are flying stand-by and who knows when they will all actually arrive.
  • Check in at the hotel and have the room and the pool to himself for a while.
  • Enjoy the quiet, read, rest.
  • See his mom and brother who will drive to his hotel late tonight from L.A. just to see him for an hour.

Today’s coping mechanism:

  • I bought a whole box of peach black tea. Yep, I’m going with caffeine this week. Caffeine and a sense of humor. This is going to work.

Looking forward to:

  • Lunch


  1. Debra,
    Hi, this is Christine L. from church. I think you're doing a great job raising your kids. What a hard and wonderful job. My mom homeschooled us for awhile and I really enjoyed that time. Hang in there this week. Plan something fun and different each day to keep your spirits up :-)

  2. Christine! Thanks for the love! We are doing great today. I'm guessing by Thursday it might feel a little old...

  3. Ditto on what Christine said. Mad props to you my friend!! Looking forward to Thursday night dinner!


For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.