
Tuesday, June 3


  • Started his report on Mauna Kea yesterday. Oh, my. This will take a while.
  • Breezed through map learning, handwriting, geology vocabulary and memory verse drawing (his favorite).
  • I had a hard time explaining their last mountain project and getting them to understand it. In the end it may just be a cardboard model of a mountain, but we'll see how the next four days go.

  • Finished phonics reader #39 and began #40. He's on course to finish by Friday!
  • Breezed through map learning, sequencing skills, and geology vocabulary.
  • I worked with him on turning his memory verse into a rebus... never realized how many skills it takes to create a rebus (rhyming, drawing, communicating accurately...).
  • This mountain project was his idea. I get the feeling I distorted his idea a bit by the backlash I felt from him today. We'll have to go back and redefine it tomorrow. Has yet to finish math for the day. Little brothers are way more fun than math.

  • I'm so antsy to be done. And yet, I don't have summer figured out yet (meaning I don't have all the funds necessary to sign them up for everything they want to do) so I'm actually hesitant to dive into three months of bored kids...
  • I'm working on a list of things I want to learn this summer and I'm trying to come up with a way for them to make their own list as well. If we can explore these things together it just might help us make summer more meaningful.
Back tomorrow for more countdown!

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