
Sunday, June 29

Teach Your Own

I'm reading John Holt's book this summer and it's so good. I'm trying to write down great passages so as I come across something share-worthy I'll post it here.

The preface contains a lot of thought-provoking insights:
  • Much of what has stayed with us for use in our lives as adults has very little to do with our actual school work.
  • There seems to me a suggestion [in public schools] that in learning about the world, other people's books are more important than observation.
  • "There is no such thing as teaching, only learning." -- Sister Agnes Patricia

This portion is worth 30 seconds to read:
Homeschooling isn't just another instruction delivery system; it shows us alternative ways to teach and learn, and to participate in family and community life; ways to find work or get into higher education without jumping through the standardized hoops of mass-market schooling; ways to use school rather than have school use you. Homeschooling also offers ways to think about "democracy" and "individuality," while, at the same time, avoiding the polarization that places people into lone-survivalist or drone-collectivist camps; and ways for children and adults to reunite living and learning that go far beyong doing homework together." -- Patrick Farenga.
And so I'm thinking...
...about how to make their experience less like my work and more like theirs.
...about how to let them have a greater hand in directing their education.
...about how I can let go enough so that we can really learn how to reunite living and learning.

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