
Sunday, June 22

TFAHC, Day 2

Books for Boys

If you have boys you may have found that they don't catch on to reading as early as your daughters might. I wouldn't know because I don't have any daughters. However, I do have one son that blasted off with reading when he was four and one son who is six and could really live without it.

Jan Bloom gave some good tips at her workshop for getting your reluctant boys to read. (I won't share all of them because she makes her living doing these workshops and selling books):
  • Choose books that are full of information, action or excitement.
  • Make books accessible and available. Give them their own bookshelf and put the books on it that you want them to look at.
  • Write a story together with him. Let him dictate it to you while you write it down. When he sees his own words in print he can illustrate it and share his work with other people -- which is what reading and writing is all about.
  • Let him choose predictable stories... these are the ones that drive you crazy... because predictability enchants children.
  • Let him label his own books and feel the ownership.
  • Create a family reading journal that you all fill out with the author, title, number of pages, and what you liked best about the books you all are reading. Boys need to see the whole family reading for enjoyment (particularly their dads).
  • When you read aloud to him let him move around: build with Legos, mold with clay, color.... or throw darts like mine like to do.
I do many of these things already. The most important thing is to remember that it's completely normal for a boy to hold off on reading until he's 9, 10 or even 11. Once they get it, they'll catch up very quickly and read with passion. It's been proven over and over again. So, I'm not sweating it.

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