
Tuesday, July 29

The Planning Begins

I’m in the thick of planning and I am letting the boys each pick two topics for us to focus on at some point in our next year. I get to determine the remaining 5 which I’ll pull from our curriculum. Here is what our year looks like so far:

  • 18 days of Flight (J’s pick)
  • 21 days of Biographies
  • 19 days of The Temple/Simple Machines
  • 12 days of China (B’s pick)
  • 19 days of Last Supper and U.S. History 1865-1920 (I’m not sure what the link is either)
  • 12 days of Electricity (J’s pick)
  • 20 days of Resurrection and U.S. History 1920 – present (Again, an odd link)
  • 12 days of Space (B’s pick)
  • 19 days of Art & Music (my pick)

Add to that 16-18 days of Friday School and about 12 field trips or otherwise educational endeavors and you have 180 days to complete the school year IF you live in Washington. However, in Oregon we are not required to do any certain number of days in our school year.


We can kiss those last 12 days good-bye.

  • And every Friday in December and February. Because homeschooling in February bites. (I hear that, “amen.”)
  • And birthdays.
  • And two weeks at Christmas.
  • And two weeks at Easter.
  • And a week to just get away and do something unexpected.

O.K. now that I've planned all the breaks, I'll get back to planning the content.

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