
Tuesday, October 14

Week 8

We are cruising along in school at a terrific pace. Maybe too terrific.

Yesterday we (they)
  • read aloud from Nate Saint's biography and discussed it briefly,
  • worked on memorizing Psalm 23,
  • colored in and labeled a map of South America,
  • did several pages of math,
  • hand addressed 20 envelopes,
  • played a Latin number game online,
  • analyzed and diagrammed sound transmission,
  • did a keyword outline about South America,
  • looked up facts about Ecuador,
  • drew a rainforest primate,
  • solved a logic puzzle,
  • listened to B read
  • and labeled some nouns.
I would love to find out what the first and fifth graders at the school down the street accomplished yesterday.

Oh -- nothing. It was a holiday. I'm not sure which one of us missed out. Today will be less. And therefore (hopefully) more.


  1. Nice work!

    I have this idea for a physics curriculum that includes playing World Of Goo on Wii. Really. Wii-ly. =)

  2. Can I help you write that curriculum? We can write off the Wii as a business expense, right?


For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.