
Saturday, December 27

January's Plans

I sat down last night to plan our next unit of study and outlined a few things. Then we went to the library today to get our resources to flesh it all out. I came home with 30 books on China. So, if you're going to study China in the next month, the Midland library in Portland is cleaned out. Just a little heads up.


  1. Hey. You don't know me, I have been subscribing to your blog for a while for a couple of reasons - we are in training to be church planters, and we homeschool.

    But that's not why I am writing this. In my feed reader I happened to get another article coincidentally about the Chinese. I don't know how old your children are who will be studying China, but it may be of some interest to study how the Chinese were treated when they came to America, in the late 1800s. It is for this study I offer you this link to a New York Times article about anti-Chinese riots in San Francisco, and revolting attitude of the day towards the race.

    It makes me glad that strong Christian men and women made the case successfully that the Chinese are human firstly, and secondly, worthy of salvation as anyone else. So this article for me becomes a study of man's depravity, and of Christ's work in redeeming our culture. I would even follow up the study with the question, "What blind spots do we have as a culture today that revolt the heart of God, similar to this?"

  2. Hey Shane,
    My kids are 9 and 6 -- pretty young. When we studied slavery in America my oldest had a really hard time with it. So, I have been mulling over how to "go there" with the Chinese. While I tend to teach my kids a general mantra of "life is hard" the atrocities are better left dealt with when they are more capable of abstract thinking. The idea that "the Chinese are human firstly, and secondly, worthy of salvation as anyone else" is certainly part of our language however.

    Thanks for posting!


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