
Friday, May 28

Summer Reading for Me

Sometimes my summer reading has a theme to it.  One year I only read "Short Classics" -- novels all less than 200 pages.  One year I read selections from The Inklings.  This year my theme is "Books I Should Have Read by Now but Haven't."  I can't believe I haven't read some of these but I'm looking forward to all of them.

Here is my list for summer reading:
The Cost of Discipleship
Mere Christianity
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Secret Life of Bees
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time
Things Fall Apart
Vanity Fair 
You Can Teach Your Child Successfully

The other half of my goal is to make this "should have" list reach even into my to-do list.  There are a lot of things I should have already done by now that I haven't. As far as summer goals go, here's a portion of my embarrassing list of things to do:

1.  Make out a living trust.  (I've had children for how long now??)
2.  Call my brother.
3.  Teach the boys the science of doing chores.
4.  Make some art for our bare walls.
5.  Correct the misspelling on one son's social security card.
6.  Practice once-a-week cooking.
7.  Teach my boys how to "save the world," one little project at a time.
8.  Catch up their vaccinations.
9.  Finish the "December Daily" photo album I began... in December.
10.  Organize and file away their school work from this year... and last.

What are you going to get to this summer that you probably should have done before now?


  1. "Three Cups of Tea" is also on my reading list...also, I think I might read some Madeleine L'Engle. And maybe finally, Charlotte Mason's writings.

    And also in 'things to do' - get Sam potty trained already (this is absolutely ridiculous!) - finally get those boxes organized and out of our stinkin room!:)

  2. How are you liking Things Fall Apart? I really liked it.

    I was afraid to make a list for my summer, lol. I am just treadin' water and hoping I can homeschool this year!


For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.