
Wednesday, July 7

Sad Day in the Homeschooling World

Sono Harris passed away over the weekend.  Wife of Greg Harris, mother of Josh and other really gracious kids that I've chatted with in the vendor hall at conventions.   Joshua Harris gives information about her cancer and passing here.

I remember attending a workshop of Sono's at a convention some years back.  She talked about "God, Our Present Help" and she identified some of the negative feelings homeschool mom's encounter:  lonliness and isolation, weariness, frustration and disappointment.  She said to let our difficulties be opportunities for God to work for and through you.  She said that parent/child relationships are not for ease and happiness but are the context for the change God works in and through us.  God is working in you and you may not be cooperating yet. 

I found much wisdom in this woman, homeschooling's consummate mother.  Her present rest is well deserved, though she'd probably correct me and say it's all really grace.


  1. Wow, I attended a conference with Josh as the speaker one time. So sad, thanks for posting.

  2. Debra,

    Thank you so much for sharing this information. I first learned of Josh on a radio program and read his books I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl. I remember how radical his thinking was to me as I was a new Christian at the time. I will be saving these books for my children.

    It is sad to read about his mother's death, but also encouraging because Josh mentions her excitement at "...seeing Jesus soon." I can only imagine how proud she must have been of Josh (as well as his siblings).

  3. Just read your post on Heart of the Matter (homeschool blog). Loved what you shared there. I think God spoke to my heart through what you quoted from Sono. I remember as a young person going to a homeschool conference with the Harris family as speakers. They are a great family, and I'm sure she will be missed a lot. Thank you for sharing a tidbit of her wisdom.


  4. Thank you for sharing the tidbit of Sono's wisdom here & at the homeschool blog "Heart of the Matter". It really spoke to my heart. I'm saddened to hear of the Harris family's loss, as well. I remember being a young person going to a convention where their family spoke. They seemed like such a neat family.



For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.