
Friday, December 31

EH Best of 2010

Looking back over this blog for the year I find that my voice has actually been a bit quieter.  I pigeonholed myself a bit too much with the homeschooling title and as a result I found that when my thoughts were turned to other facets of life, I tended not to share them.  On the other hand, I did share a lot of reading ideas as well as preschool unit plans.  So, if you're looking for inspiration in those two areas, I hope I helped a little. Here are the 2010 posts that stuck with me longer than it took to hit "publish post."

10.  Thoughts on how we celebrate Epiphany.

9.  A little educational method from Jesus.

8.  How our homeschool group raised over $5,000 for Haiti relief.

7.  In which I reflect on how our kids take after us.

6.  A quiet little momentous occasion.

5.  The one I was afraid to publish.

4.  On teaching friendship.

3.  Doing what you think you ought.

2.  Enjoying our new reality.

1.  The same for one as for the other.

Enjoy what the new year has in store for you.
-- Debra

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For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.