
Wednesday, December 8

Take Part in Colorado Gives Day

Even if you don't live in Colorado, you can do something great for someone else today.  We talk a lot about doing something good for ourselves, but there's a balance.  Consider giving one less gift to someone this Christmas and giving that amount to one of these great causes today.

charity: water
1.  charity:water
My church, The Next Level Church in Denver, Colorado, held a benefit last night at a very cool and very premier music venue in town, The Gothic Theater.  Our band was fantastic, my dh gave his most compelling message and we talked about people other than ourselves.  People who have to drink dirty, diseased water.  People who have to walk miles or hours each day just to get this essential nutrient for life.  I water my lawn, run the dishwasher, let my kids fill water balloons with this thing that is really the key to physical life or death.

TNL wants to raise $5,000 to build a well for a developing country.  100% of your donations go to building that well.  The organization funds it's infrastructure in other ways.  Your donation simply gives   If we exceed $5,000, well, then let's just go for $10,000.  The link above will take you there and you don't have to be part of TNL, and you don't have to live in Colorado to be part of a clean water solution.  Just give.

2.  Sponsor a Child
My friend, Eisley Jacobs, a fellow Christian homeschooling mom and soon to be published author of a middle grade fantasy novel, sponsors an Ethiopian child through World Vision.  There are 139 other children living near her child that need a sponsor.  $35 a month.  These kids live in communities severely affected by the HIV virus and your sponsorship gives them nutritious food, health care, education and clean water.  Use the link above to sponsor a child and make Eisley's day knowing that more children will be cared for across the world.  (She's going to Ethiopia herself right after Christmas!)

The Gathering Place
3.  The Gathering Place
This is a Denver day shelter for women and children affected by poverty and homelessness.  It's a phenomenal facility and the motto is essentially, "You are accepted here just as you are."  They have a daycare center, counselors, food, clothing, a nap room, a cafeteria, an art studio... it's a wonderfully affirming place.  Donate to them today like this:
1.  Go to our GivingFirst webpage:
2.  On the checkout screen, enter your dollar amount
3.  Choose "yes" for the question, "Is this a recurring donation?"
4.  Set your "First Installment date" to 12/08/2010
5.  Choose 12/10/2010 for "When should this donation end?"
6.  Click "Add to cart."

1 comment:

For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.