
Thursday, February 24

I Will Not Let February Get to Me: Ending Quietly

We've had a busy month:

  • Two snow days
  • One son's physical
  • Swim lessons for two boys
  • Taekwon Do for one
  • A movie making co-op
  • Bible study every other Friday
  • Retreat planning
  • Retreat cancelling
  • Going to visit a friend
  • Having a cousin come visit here
  • Tae bo workouts
  • Tebow's autograph
  • Volunteering for picture day
  • Babysitting for a single mom
  • TNL each Tuesday
  • Free the Girls event
  • Meeting with a right-brain tutor
  • Doing the left-brained taxes
  • A co-op Valentine's party
  • Our homegroup on Sunday
  • Two parent/teacher conferences
  • Coffee with two friends
  • Classes for B on Fridays
  • A tour of Celestial Seasonings
  • Two boys to the dentist
  • One unit on water
  • And now... sickness.  Which means we missed out on the aquarium and a play.
February didn't get to me this year.  Our regular schedule was interrupted, we found new inspiration, we accomplished a unit of study, I focused on being intentional, we played and I'm not frazzled, worn, discouraged or derailed.

We've been purposefully busy.  So now, it's okay for my two littlest to chill on the couch -- albiet coughing and moaning -- and let February slide on out.  We will greet March with healthy new bodies, a new unit of study, longer hours of daylight and the beginning of Lent.  

We made it.


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For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.