
Friday, January 6

Dragons Forever Fiction and Poetry Contest

My friend Eisley Jacobs released her second book today in her middle grade series "Dragons Forever."  B and I read Book #1 Born to Be a Dragon late this summer.  He can't wait to read Book #2 Blink of a Dragon.  I just have to get myself over to her house to get him a copy.  YOU can order one through her website below or you can go onto Amazon (and maybe other online sellers) and purchase it.  OR you can take part in the contest below and win a bunch of copies, PLUS get published in Book #3 AND have a character named after you.

Let me tell you something about Eisley.  She's an inspiring woman who homeschools her kids, opens her home to displaced people, travels to Ethiopia on mission trips, and is bursting with enthusiasm, creativity and life.  Now, if you've been following me for a little while, you'll know that my son, B, is dyslexic.  When he heard he could have a character named after him he grabbed Born to be a Dragon and started reviewing it again because he is EXCITED to write his own entry.  Did you hear that? My dyslexic kid is excited to write.  I am amazed.  And I am grateful for a talented friend who has worked tirelessly to inspire him and other kids like him.

Here's the info so you can get in on all the fun!

Contest dates JANUARY 6, 2012 - FEBRUARY 6, 2012
In celebration of the release of the second book in the Dragons Forever series (BLINK OF A DRAGON), Eisley Jacobs is inviting you to take part in the BORN TO BE A DRAGON Fan Fiction and Poetry contest!
Who is elegible?
Children ages 4-99
What is fan fiction?
Fan fiction is a variety of stories about the characters or settings of a book as told by the fans. In this contest, entrants are encouraged to write a short story (200-600 words) about a missed adventure (something that could have happened but didn't) with any of the main or supporting characters in the book, BORN TO BE A DRAGON. Because it's fan fiction, this story does not have to follow the theme of the book, nor the characters' personalities. It's completely up to the entrant.
What about a poem?
Poetry is a form of creative writing in which language is used as an art. The poem can rhyme or not, it's up to the entrant, but it must be about BORN TO BE A DRAGON (or a missed adventure).
How do we enter?
You have from today until February 6, 2012 to write your fan faction or poetry. At midnight on the 6th, I will close the contest to prepare for the voting process. Voting will take place off line by a group of authors, parents, and teachers. The entries will be judged on creativity and use of BORN TO BE A DRAGON as their inspiration. Once voting is complete, all entries will be posted in the fan fiction area of Eisley Jacobs website.
Where do we send the entries?
Please send all fan fiction and poetry to You can also go to my website and fill out the form with the subject "Fan Fiction"(
Teachers: If you'd like to submit all of your students entries at once, please email Eisley and she will give you the proper address to do so.
What can I win? If your entry is chosen as the winner of the Fan Fiction and Poetry contest, not only will your entry appear in Dragons Forever - Book Three, but your name will also be tagged in the credits and a minor character will be named after you. ALSO, YOUR WHOLE CLASS AND SIBLINGS will receive autographed copies of BLINK OF A DRAGON, which means the more kids in your class you can get involved, the better all your chances are to receive the book. Homeschoolers, if one of you wins, you will receive 30 autographed books for the other kids in your homeschool group.
Contest Rules: This contest is open to U.S. residents only. All federal, state, and local laws and regulations apply. This contest is void where prohibited by law. Each child, ages 4-99, is allowed one entry, and each classroom/homeschool group has unlimited entries. By sending your entries to they become property of Eisley Jacobs and cannot be returned. The winning entrant will have a week from the confirmation email to notify Eisley Jacobs with the names of his/her classmates or homeschoolers who will receive the books. In most cases, winning books are limited to 30 (some exceptions may apply).
This page and links can be found at
If you have any questions, please email Eisley Jacobs.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about the contest! I'm so excited for B!! Can't wait to see what he comes up with!!


For two years I have had comments turned off as a discipline to write for myself. I'm seeing the other side. I just ask that you comment with grace.