KWL stands for "What do you Know about [the topic]?" "What do you Want to know about [the topic]?" "What did you Learn about [the topic]?" Obviously, you do K and W when you begin the topic and L when you're done. I never do L, because if I'm teaching the way I think I should I'm not going to ignore their W and teach my own agenda to them. If they want to know some stuff then, of course, by the end of our study that's what they're going to know. Plus, I forget to do L. Just keeping it real for ya.
We began a unit study on Light yesterday. Here is what they Want to know. I have a second grader and a sixth grader and these are their actual responses.
- How fast does light travel?
- Can you measure the brightness of light?
- What is the size and shape of light?
- How do we measure heat from light?
- What did Einstein learn about light?
- When was the light bulb invented?
- Why does light from the sun burn your eyes?
I'd forgotten about this method! I'll have to pull it out sometime soon.